世界主要民主國家都力挺台灣出席WHA大會,10日23點是WHO報名最後一刻,美國在臺協會在其臉書發布,「沒有任何正當理由持續將台灣排除在世界衛生大會之外,美國呼籲世衛秘書長像往年、在中國政府提出異議之前一樣,邀請台灣以觀察員身分參與世界衛生大會。全球衛生與全球衛生安全挑戰無關國界或政治紛爭。台灣在應對公衛議題上能提供寶貴的貢獻及經驗,世衛領導層與所有負責任的國家都應當承認,將2400萬人的利益排除在世界衛生大會之外,只會危害而非促進我們共享的全球衛生目標。」— 美國國務卿布林肯發表聲明支持台灣參與世界衛生大會
“There is no reasonable justification for Taiwan’s continued exclusion from this forum, and the United States calls upon the WHO Director-General to invite Taiwan to participate as an observer at the WHA – as it has in previous years, prior to objections registered by the government of the People’s Republic of China. Global health and global health security challenges do not respect borders nor recognize political disputes. Taiwan offers valuable contributions and lessons learned from its approach to these issues, and WHO leadership and all responsible nations should recognize that excluding the interests of 24 million people at the WHA serves only to imperil, not advance, our shared global health objectives,” Secretary Blinken's statement about Taiwan's participation in WHA.
See the statement: https://bit.ly/3bddCmQ
Related news: https://bit.ly/2Q4OfMV